- 英語特別プログラム -


From SEP2020 to SEP2021

With the cherry blossoms beginning to bloom, the SEP2020 students have written messages to the incoming SEP2021 students.

Treasuring our short time together

We would like to share three of those messages today.

I recommend [that you join SEP]. It will encourage you to study English more. Besides, you will find the English you will learn in this course is completely different from what you learned before as a study for exams. That is to say, you will enjoy this course.

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This year may be hard for you, but SEP will become a great memory of your freshman's year.

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Through [the online study programme with the University of Sheffield's English Language Teaching Centre], I learned the fun of communicating in English. Before this course, English was just study subject for me. However, in this class, I talked with many people from all over the world and realized that English is very useful communication tool. Thanks to English, [we could get to] know each other.

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To the SEP2020 students who have worked hard all year and are now completing the program: congratulations! Your hard work has paid off. It has been a joy to see you grow as English speakers and as people.

To the incoming SEP2021 students: We are looking forward to meeting you in April and having a great year together.