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The Music Scene


A pleasant morning from "A Hard Day's Night"

Do you know that Britain is a very important country in the music scene, especially the rock music scene? Britain has put out many music artists who've left their names in history, and they have changed many music scenes. In this article, we'll look at two famous artists among them.

The first artist is The Beatles. The Beatles were, of course, a British rock band who produced many famous songs. They changed the common sense of the past music scene. If you visit their hometown of Liverpool, you can learn more about The Beatles history.


The Beatles still walk around the city

The second artist is Queen. Queen is familiar in Japan, and they are also famous as a Japanophile. Queen's songs make a friendly impression, but in fact, their musicality changes in various ways depending on the time. Queen's album "Greatest Hits" ranks first among the UK's successive album sales, with 6.1 million sold.


Liverpool Wall of Fame

We introduced two sets of artists, but there are still many more great artists. If you love music, why not go to England? However, there are so many music-related goods sold in the UK, so be careful not to spend too much money.


CDs I bought in the UK (Another my money bites the dust...)